NUVA eMeeting 2021

"Status and new UV results from HST, Astrosat and LUT"

26th - 27th October  2021


Meeting Talks

All the talks available below have obtained the publication permission of the speaker.    

Dr. Bertrand Bonfond. Université de Liège. BelgiumAn eye on the auroras: coordinated observations of Jupiter from Hubble and JunoBertrand_Bonfond_presentation
Prof. Gregory Herczeg. KIAA/Peking University, ChinaFirst Results from the ODYSSEUS Team: Accretion, Ejection, and Disk Irradiation of CVSO~109Gregory_Herczeg_presentation 
Dr. Allison Youngblood. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. USAA Radiatively Driven Wind from the eta Tel Debris DiskAllison_Youngblood_presentation
Ms. Ada Canet. JCUVA, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. SpainStrong Flare Activity and CMEs in AB Dor. Implications for planetary habitabilityAda_Canet_presentation
Prof. Miguel Chavez Dagostino. Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica (INAOE). MexicoGALEX NUV observations in the field of the KEPLER mission
Miss. Deepthi S Prabhu. Indian Insitute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru. IndiaA census of UV-bright stars in the dense globular cluster NGC 2808 using UVIT-HST-Gaiadeepthi_Prabhu_presentation
Dr. Snehalata Sahu. Indian Institute of Astrophysics. IndiaAstroSat/UVIT legacy survey of Globular Clusters (GlobULeS) – FUV-optical CMDs of eight GCsSnehalata_Sahu_Presentation
Mr. Ranjan Kumar. National Institute of Technology, Rourkela. IndiaAstroSat/UVIT legacy survey of Globular clusters (GlobULeS). II. Evolutionary status of hot stars in M3 and M13Ranjan_presentation
Dr. Peter Brown. Texas A&M University, USASwift Ultraviolet Supernova DiscoveriesPeter_Brown_presentation
Dr. Samantha Oates. University of Birmingham, UKSwift/UVOT follow-up of Gravitational Wave Alerts in the O3 era Oates_presentation
Dr. Ana I Gómez de Castro. JCUVA, Universidad Complutense de   Madrid. SpainThe new standard bands for UV photometryAnaI_Gomezdecastro_presentation 
Miss. Ananya Tuli. University of Notre Dame. USAProbing the Gas Vertically Extended above the Perseus Spiral Arm of the Milky WayAnanya_Goon_Tuli_Presentation
 Miss. Sonika Piridi. National Institute of Rourkela, Rourkela. IndiaStudy of Galactic structure using UVIT star countsSonika_Piridi_presentation


Mr. Lauro Conti.  Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Tuebingen, GermanyUpdate on the development of UV MCP detectors at IAATLauro_Conti_Presentation
Dr. Arianna Miraval Zanon. INAF-Observatory of Rome. ItalyUltraviolet and optical pulsed emissions from an accreting millisecond pulsarArianna_Miraval_presentation 
Prof. Denis Leahy. University of Calgary, CanadaAstroSat UVIT measurement of the structure and star formation history of the centre of M31Denis_Leahy_presentation
Mr. Daniel Pauli. Universität Potsdam, GermanyNew results and the impact of the UV HST observations on our understanding of a massive binary in a metal poor galaxyDaniel_Pauli_presentation
Dr. Kanak Saha. IUCAA, IndiaLyman continuum leakers from the AStroSat UV Deep Field Kanak_Saha_presentation
Dr. Sadman Ali. Subaru Telescope (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan). Hawai, USA.Evolution of the UV upturn phenomenon: He-enhanced stellar populations in early-type galaxies
Mr. Suraj Dhiwar. Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics. IndiaThe central region of the enigmatic Malin 1Suraj_Dhiwar_presentation
Miss. Divya Pandey. National Instititue of Technology. IndiaThe deep Ultraviolet survey of galaxies in the Bootes void using AstroSat/UVIT