The face-to-face meeting will be held in Vitoria (Spain) from October 3rd to 7th, 2022 to address fundamental issues concerning the world-wide coordination of the UV astronomy community.

The Registration has been opened. Click below for registering using the UCM events platform.

The registration has been closed

Standard registration fee is 350€. Bank transfer and credit card payments are available. Paid fees are not refundable.

NUVA meetings are thought as a forum for information exchange on UV science, means, technology and missions.

As such there will be plenty of time for contributions (oral/poster) presentations and discussion. Oral (15 min/talk) and poster (format DIN-A1) presentations are welcome.

Note that all contributors must be registered in the workshop.

Deadline for the submission of contributions: September 10th 2022

The submission of contributions has been closed