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Media Documents
24th October
25th October
26th October
24th October
«Life-environmentology, Astronomy, and PlanetarY Ultraviolet Telescope Assembly (LAPYUTA) mission: instrument overview and development updates». Go Murakami (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) | |
«Maturing the Habitable Worlds Observatory». Aki Roberge (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA) | roberge_HWO_update_v1 |
«UV Spectroscopy with the Habitable Worlds Observatory: Instrument Capabilities and Technology Needs». Kevin France (University of Colorado, USA) | france_UVtech4HWO_NUVA2023 |
«ULTRASAT: Revolutionizing our view of the transient universe». Yossi Shvartzvald (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) | Shvartzvald_ULTRASAT_NUVA23 |
«The scientific payload of the Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite (ULTRASAT)». Sagi Ben-Ami (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel | |
«JUICE Ultraviolet Spectrograph Near-Earth Commissioning Results». Michael W. Davis (Southwest Research Institute, USA) | Michael_Davis_JUICE_NECP_NUVA_2023 |
«The Cosmological Advanced Survey Telescope for Optical and UV Research». Tyrone E. Woods (University of Manitoba, Canada) | |
«UK participation in the CASTOR mission». Ruben Sanchez-Janssen (UK Astronomy Technology Centre) | |
«Future of UV astronomy in the United Kingdom». M.A. Barstow (University of Leicester/Space Park Leicester, UK) | NUVA_241023 |
«Building a master catalogue of unique UV sources». Juan C. Vallejo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) | JC_Vallejo_catalogo_uv_jcv_vz |
25th October
«POLLUX and CASSTOR: preparing for high-resolution UV spectropolarimetry». Coralie Neiner (Paris Observatory, France) | |
«The Polstar SMEX UV Spectropolarimetry Mission». Paul Scowen (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA) | |
«MAUVE : A UV-Vis spectroscopy facility dedicated to studying the magnetic activity of active stars». Fatemeh Zahra Majidi (Blue Skies Space, Italy) | Fatemeh_Zahra_Majidi_Mauve |
«The Important Roles that IUE Played in Developing UV Spectroscopy from the pre-IUE era to the post-IUE era». Jeffrey L. Linsky (JILA/University of Colorado, USA) | eNUVA-IUE_Jeff_linsky |
«On the path to the URIEL: the Ultraviolet Researcher to Investigate the Emergence of Life». Ana I Gómez de Castro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) | |
«The Baryon Cycle: Science Drivers for the Habitable Worlds Observatory». J. Christopher Howk (U. Notre Dame, USA) | howk-NUVA2023-BaryonCycle |
«Escaping metal from WASP-189b: Observations from CUTE CubeSat». Sreejith Aickara Gopinathan (Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences) | |
«Modelling integrated light spectra to study hot stellar components of old stellar populations». Thayse Adineia Pacheco (Universidade de São Paulo / Liverpool John Moores University, Brazil) | Talk_NUVA_Thayse |
«Measuring a neutron star radius from ultraviolet and soft X-ray observations». Denis González-Caniulef (Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, France) | Denis_Gonzalez_presentation |
«UV study of blue straggler stars in open cluster NGC 7142 using AstroSat». Anju Panthi (Birla Instititute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India) | |
«Constraining the properties of matter in neutron star interiors through UV observations». Luis Rodríguez (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) | |
«Deciphering the role of star formation on the properties of PAH molecules: JWST and UVIT Perspective». Ujjwal Krishnan (CHRIST Deemed to be University, India) | |
«CASTOR’s high-resolution, UV-blue survey plans for nearby galaxies» – POSTER. David Thilker (Johns Hopkins University, USA) | |
«Update on UVIT FUV imaging of the Small Magellanic Cloud» – POSTER. David Thilker (Johns Hopkins University, USA) |
26th October
«The Need for Ultraviolet Spectroscopy to Understand Photometry». Peter Brown (Texas A&M University, USA) | 2023NUVA_UVspectroscopyneeds_Peter_Brown |
«Microroughness surface scattering modeling of Low Surface Brightness (LSB) and UV observation for MESSIER Surveyor Mission». Changgon Kim (Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea) | |
«Microchannel Plate Detectors for Ultraviolet Astronomy». Sebastian Diebold (IAAT University of Tübingen, Germany) | 231026_Diebold_NUVA_MCP_for_UV. |
«Mirror Coating Considerations for the Habitable Worlds Observatory». Paul Scowen (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA) | |
«Next generation microshutter arrays for the HWO». Alexander Kutyrev (NASA GSFC, USA) | |
«Studies of Star Formation in Merging and Interacting Galaxies using the UVIT». Mousumi Das (Indian Institute of Astrophysics) | NUVA_mdas_2023 |
«Comparing Properties of Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxy Types using UVIT Data». Amrutha. S (Indian Institute of Astrophysics) | |
«Journey into the North-Eastern Outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud with UVIT/AstroSat». Sipra Hota (Indian Institute of Astrophysics) | |
«AstroSat UV Deep Field – A unique view of the distant galaxies». Chayan Mondal (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), India) | |
«Unlocking Star Formation Secrets: UVIT Insights into Nearby Seyfert Galaxies». Payel Nandi (Joint Astronomy Programe, Indian Institute of Science) | |
«What drives th e wheels of evolution in NGC 1512? A UVIT Study». Robin Thomas (CHRIST, Deemed to be University, India) | |
«The secrets of polar ring galaxies: Insights from UVIT». Akhil Krishna (CHRIST, Deemed to be University, India) | |
«Theoretical Spectra for Interpreting UV Spectra from New, Large Telescopes». Sara R. Heap (NASA/GSFC emerita, USA) | NUVA_2023_sarah_heap |