Media Documents

WelcomeAna I Gómez de CastroClick to see the video
The PhotSat mission: Ultraviolet and optical all-sky monitoring with a cubesatOralJ.M. Carrasco, I. Esteva, C. Sierra, I. Ribas, G. AngladaInstitut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC)Download PDFClick to see the video
Mauve: a three-year UV-Vis survey dedicated to monitor stellar activity and variabilityOralF. Z. Majidi, L. Bradley, S. Ma, A. Saba, G. Tinetti, I. Stotesbury, M. TessenyiBlue Skies SpaceClick to see the video
Life-environmentology, Astronomy, and PlanetarY Ultraviolet Telescope Assembly (LAPYUTA) mission: instrument overview and development updatesOralGo Murakami, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Atsushi Yamazaki, Masato Kagitani, Shingo Kameda, Kazuo Yoshioka, and Tomoki KimuraJAXAClick to see the video
SPEKTR-UF missionOralMikhail SachkovInstitute of Astronomy, RASClick to see the video
Swift/UVOT Surveys of Hot StarsOralM. H. Siegel, C. A. Gronwall, S., LaPorte, S. J.Pennsylvania State UniversityClick to see the video
Stellar wind impact on early atmospheres around unmagnetized Earth-like planetsOralAda Canet, Ana I Gómez de Castro, Jacobo VarelaUniversidad Complutense de Madrid/JCUVADownload PDFClick to see the video
UV scattering by meteoroid grains in the Earth thermosphereOralJennifer Lopez, Ana I Gómez de CastroUniversidad Complutense de Madrid/JCUVADownload PDF
Detection of a new sample of Galactic white dwarfs in the direction of the Small Magellanic CloudOralA.V. Sidharth, B. Shridharan, Blesson Mathew, A. Devaraj, T.B. Cysil, C. S. Stalin, R. Arun, Suman Bhattacharyya, Sreeja S. Kartha, and T. RobinCHRIST (Deemed to be University)Download PDFClick to see the video
Exploring the Archives: A Search for Novae in UVIT Snapshots of M31OralJudhajeet Basu, Krishnendu S., Sudhanshu Barway, Shatakshi Chamoli, G. C. AnupamaIndian Institute of Astrophysics BangaloreDownload PDFClick to see the video
Title: Impact of UV imaging on the detectability of unresolved binariesPosterVikrant JadhavUniversity of BonnDownload PDFClick to see the video
UVIT/AstroSat study of T-Tauri StarsPosterPrasanta. K. Nayak, Mayank Narang, Manoj Puravankara, U. Gorti, A. Subramaniam, N. George, C. MondalPontificia Universidad Catolica de ChileDownload PDFClick to see the video
Hunting Down White Dwarf–Main Sequence Binaries Using Multi-Wavelength ObservationsPosterPrasanta K. Nayak, Anindya Ganguly, Sourav ChatterjeePontificia Universidad Catolica de ChileDownload PDFClick to see the video
QUVIK: Quick Ultra-VIolet Kilonova surveyorOralNorbert Werner, Jakub Ripa, Filip Munz, Jiri Krticka, Michal Zajacek, Marek SkarkaMasaryk UniversityClick to see the video
The Ultraviolet Spectrograph on Juno: UV-calibration and stellar UV-science capabilitiesOralV. Hue (1), T. K. Greathouse (2), M. W. Davis (2), R. S. Giles (2), G. R. Gladstone (2, 3), J. A. Kammer (2), K. D. Retherford (2, 3), M. Velez (3, 2), M. H. Versteeg (2)Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, CNES, Institut Origines, LAM, Marseille, FranceClick to see the video
NUTEx: Development of a near ultraviolet (NUV) imager for transient studiesOralShubham Jankiram Ghatul, Bharat Chandra P, Binukumar Nair, Shubhangi Jain, Praveen Kumar, Mahesh Babu, Rekhesh Mohan, Margarita Safonova, Jayant MurthyIndian Institute of AstrophysicsClick to see the video
CUBES: A UV SPECTROGRAPH FOR THE FUTUREOralS. Covino on behalf of the CUBES teamINAF / Brera Astronomical ObservatoryClick to see the video
Enhanced XMM-OM SUSS catalogueOralPaul Kuin, Mat Page, Ada NebotMSSL/UCLClick to see the video
R=20,000 Photospheric Spectra for UV SurveysOralSara Heap and Ivan HubenyU.MD, NASA/GSFC emeritaDownload PDFClick to see the video
Real-time 24/7 Global Navigation Satellite Systems based EUV solar astronomy and beyondOralM. Hernández-Pajares, D. Moreno-Borràs, O. Fors, J. Poyatos, Q. Liu, H. Lyu, V. Graffigna, G. OlivaresPulido, D. Roma-Dollase, A. Garcı́a-Rigo, E. Monte-Moreno, H. Yang, J.M. Gómez-Cama, J. Ventura-Traveset and R. Orús-PérezUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-IonSAT)Download PDFClick to see the video
WOCS 9005: A Barium Blue Straggler in M67 and Photometric Detection of Its White Dwarf CompanionOralHarshit Pal, Annapurni Subramaniam, Arumalla B. S. Reddy, and Vikrant V. JadhavIndian Institiute of Science Education and Research(IISER), BerhampurDownload PDfClick to see the video
A pilot study of High mass end Inital Mass Function of NGC 628 using UV and H alpha emission.OralS Amrutha, Mousumi DasIndian Institute of AstrophysicsClick to see the video
Morphology and Kinematic of Young stellar population of the Small Magellanic Cloud with UVIT/AstroSat and GaiaOralSipra Hota, Annapurni Subramaniam, Prasant K NayakIndian Institute of AstrophysicsClick to see the video
FUV Imaging telescopeOralShubhangi jain, bharat chandra,shubham ankiram Ghatul, Mahesh Babu S,Rekhesh Mohan,Margarita Safonova,Jayant MurthyIndian Institiute of Science Education and Research(IISER), BerhampurDownload PDFClick to see the video
A concept of a simple small-sized (10 kg) lunar astronomical UV telescope for upcoming LUNA missionsOralAndrey Shugarov (1), Mikhail Sachkov (1), Huijuan Wang (2,3), Xiaojun Jiang (2,3), Vladimir Shmagin (1)1) Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Science (INASAN)
2) National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC)
3) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Performance qualification of the detector on board the Spektr-UF (WSO-UV) Space TelescopeOralAna I. Gómez de Castroa, Maria Frutos, David Moya, Juan Carlos Vallejo, Ashley Thomson, Tom Conneely, James Milnes.Universidad Complutense de Madrid/JCUVADownload PDFClick to see the video
Probing the Lyman continuum nebular emission from intermediate galaxies with AstroSat and UVEXOralAnne Verhamme, Charlotte Simmonds, Akio Inoue, Harley KatzUniversity of GenevaClick to see the video
UV Probe into the Morphology of NGC 3718OralChandan Watts, Mousumi Das, Sudhanshu BarwayIndian Institute of Astrophysics, BengaluruDownload PDFClick to see the video
Unveiling the kinematics of a central region in the triple AGN host NGC 7733-7734 interacting groupOralSaili Keshri, Sudhanshu Barway, Mousumi Das, Jyoti Yadav, and Francoise CombesIndian Institute of AstrophysicsClick to see the video
UV luminosity functions at redshift < 1, from XMM-OM and Swift-UVOTOralM. Sharma, M.Page, A. Mathews, I Ferreras, A. BreeveldMSSL, UCLDownload PDFClick to see the video
Unveiling the interwoven threads of star formation and galactic evolution in secular and environmental contextsOralSreeja S Kartha, Ujjwal Krishnan, Akhil Krishna R, Robin Thomas & Blesson MathewCHRIST (Deemed to be University)Click to see the video
Effect of structural components of Spiral galaxies in quenching star formationOralRenu Devi, Smitha Subramanian, Koshy George, Suhasini RaoIndian Institute of AstrophysicsClick to see the video
Using Near UV and Far UV Observations to Constrain the Star Formation History of Nearby GalaxiesPosterDenis LeahyUniversity of CalgaryDownload PDFClick to see the video
Impact of dwarf galaxies interactions on their Star forming propertiesPosterRakshit Chauhan, Smitha SubramanianIndian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru.Download PDFClick to see the video
Even incomplete spectroscopic surveys of the local ISM are now yielding unexpected discoveries
Oral/out program
Jeffrey Linsky and Seth RedfieldJILA/University of Colorado and NISTDownload PDFClick to see the video
The importance of UV surveys for the binary fraction of hot evolved stars in regimes elusive to Gaia Oral/out program
Luciana BianchiDept. of Physics and Astronomy, the Johns Hopkins UniversityDownload PDF
The Lunar Ultraviolet Observatory (OUL)OralAna I. Gómez de Castro & OUL ConsortiumUniversidad Complutense de Madrid / JCUVAClick to see the video