NUVA e-meeting 2024 – “The impact of UV surveys in astronomy”. Registration and Submission of Contributions OPEN

Since 2020, the Network of Ultraviolet Astronomy (NUVA) decided to begin organizing yearly,  e-meetings to keep the community updated and connected.

These e-meetings are dedicated to specific topics to take advantage of the short time frame available for this type of global e-reunions. They are typically scheduled from 14:00 to 17:00 UTC during 1-3 days, depending on the demand of the community.

The topic of the 2024 NUVA e-meeting will be  “The impact of UV surveys in Astronomy”

GALEX and AstroSat/UVIT surveys are having an enormous impact in astronomy and new UV survey missions are coming such as ULTRASAT and UVEX, UV imaging and spectroscopic surveys with missions like HST, AstroSat/UVIT, GALEX, and Swift have provided wide-ranging results and transformed the landscape for future UV/optical astronomy missions . 

The NUVA e-meeting of this year will be devoted to the scientific results of the explotation of the surveys, the instrumentation used for the surveys and the possible strategies for small/cubesat-like missions to address specific problems not considered by these missions.

The 2024 meeting will be held on 15th, 16th and 17th October from 15:00 to 18:00 CEST.

Deadline for the submission of contributions: September 20th, 2024. (14:00h UTC+2). The SOC will inform on accepted contributions: October 2nd, 2024. Deadline for Late registration: October 14th, 2024 (14:00h UTC+2).

eMeeting page:

Proposal to the IAU for the creation of a Commission on Space Based Astronomy

Activity in Space-Based Astronomy is expanding rapidly world-wide and within the IAU. From the development of small satellite missions to the medium and large space observatories that engage large swaths of the astronomical community, scientists engaged in this research share problems and interests but lack a dedicated scientific body to assist coordinated actions. We propose to create a Commission devoted to Space-Based Astronomy to address these needs, which are especially relevant at this time, when access to space is becoming widespread. The proposal describes the need and the objectives for the creation of the Commission and its operation within Division B.

We invite you to read over the proposal submitted to the IAU for consideration in March 2024, and ask you to consider adding your name in support of the proposal using the Google form here. SIgnatories must be IAU members to do this.

NUVA e-meeting 2023 – «On the path to the New Ultraviolet Astronomy: scientific challenges and new technologies»: Registration and Submission of Contributions OPEN

In 2020, the Network of Ultraviolet Astronomy (NUVA) decided to begin organizing periodic, yearly,  e-meetings to keep the community updated and connected.

These e-meetings are dedicated to specific topics to take advantage of the short time frame available for this type of global e-reunions. They are typically scheduled from 14:00 to 17:00 UTC during 1-3 days, depending on the demand of the community. Talks from young scientists starting in the field are most welcome as well as updates from reputed specialists in the evolution of their research or instrumentation.

The topic of the next NUVA e-meeting will be «On the path to the New Ultraviolet Astronomy: scientific challenges and new technologies»

This meeting is thought as a contact point for the on-going global activities for the definition of the next generation of UV instrumentation.

Deadline for the submission of contributions: October 6th,  2023. The SOC will inform on accepted contributions: October  14th, 2023. Deadline for Late registration: October 23rd, 2023.

Meeting URL:

45th Aniversary the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE)

A day as today, 45 years ago, the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) was launched into orbit from the Kennedy Space Center.  IUE was a small (45 cm primary) space telescope which operated 19 years carrying a rich and diverse scientific program that changed our understanding of fundamental astronomical processes.  The IUE observatory,  its data products and its science support services created our UV community. Let’s celebrate old good IUE!


New date for the UV Astronomy Workshop: UV Astronomy in the XXI century in 2022

The SOC of the 5th NUVA workshop»UV Astronomy in the XXI century» has decided to postpone the in-person meeting one year more,  till the week October 3rd to 7th, in 2022.

According to this new schedule, the registration for the meeting will be  open in March 2022 with deadline for the submission of contribution June 30th, 2022.

Go to the workshop web page:

5th Workshop of the Network of Ultraviolet Astronomy. Virtual Meeting 27th-29th October, 2020.

Every 3 years, the Network for Ultraviolet Astronomy organizes a Workshop to coordinate international action on the needs and means for Ultraviolet astronomy. In October 2020, the NUVA will hold its 5th workshop.

The workshop has been split into two events to the covid-19 pandemic. The face-to-face meeting has been moved to October 3rd-7th, 2022. In addition, a virtual meeting was held from October 27th-29th, 2020 (during the week of the previously scheduled workshop) to address fundamental issues concerning the world-wide coordination of the UV astronomy community. The talks are available at:

The face-to-face meeting will be held in Vitoria (Spain) from October 3rd to 7th, 2022. Register page:

Go to workshop page