Every 3 years, the Network for Ultraviolet Astronomy organizes a Workshop to coordinate international action on the needs and means for Ultraviolet astronomy. In October 2020, the NUVA will hold its 5th workshop.
The workshop has been split into two events to the covid-19 pandemic. The face-to-face meeting has been moved to October 3rd-7th, 2022. In addition, a virtual meeting was held from October 27th-29th, 2020 (during the week of the previously scheduled workshop) to address fundamental issues concerning the world-wide coordination of the UV astronomy community. The talks are available at: https://www.nuva.eu/virtual-meeting-media-documents/.
The face-to-face meeting will be held in Vitoria (Spain) from October 3rd to 7th, 2022. Register page: https://www.nuva.eu/conference-registration/