virtual meeting 2020 scientific program


Prof. Ana I
Gómez de Castro

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain


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Dr. Julia

Space Telescope Science Institute, USA

The ULLYSES Director’s Discretionary Program: Charting Young Stars’ Ultraviolet Light with Hubble

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Prof. Catherine

Boston University, USA

Outflows and Disks around Young Stars: Synergies for the Exploration of Ullyses Spectra (ODYSSEUS)

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Mr. Leonardo
dos Santos

University of Geneva, Switzerland

The high-energy environment and atmospheric escape of small exoplanets

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Ms. Ziyan


Kavli Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics – Peking University, China

Probing Protoplanetary Disk Winds with FUV Absorption Line

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Prof. Ana I.
Gomez de Castro

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Ultraviolet Researcher for the Investigation of the Emergence of Life

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Dr. Pol
Ribes Pleguezuelo

ESA – European Space Agency, Spain

Feasibility study for the implementation of small-size astronomical UV telescopes

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Miss. Nuria

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain

Young stellar populations in massive early-type galaxies from UV spectroscopy

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Dr. Nicolas

University of Notre Dame, USA

The Halo of Andromeda: a Case Study for a Large Aperture UV Telescope

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Dr. Ariel

INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy

Clues on the history of early-type galaxies from SDSS spectra and GALEX photometry

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Dr. Andrew

Space Telescope Science Institute, USA

Ultraviolet Absorption Studies of the Magellanic Stream

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Dr. Maria Luiza
Linhares Dantas

Instituto de Astronomia, Geofisica e Ciencias Atmosfericas. Universidade de Sao Paulo – Brazil

Accessing the evolution of the UV upturn

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Dr. Svea

Space Telescope Science Institute, USA

First Co-spatial Comparison of Stellar, Neutral-, and Ionized-gas Metallicities in a metal-rich galaxy: M83

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Prof. Annapurni


Indian Institute of Astrophysics, India

Overview of the proposed UV-optical mission – Indian Spectroscopic and Imaging Space Telescope (INSIST)

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Dr. Trisha

Space Telescope Science Institute, USA

Mapping Outflowing Gas in the Fermi Bubbles; a UV Absorption Survey

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Dr. David
Observatoire de Paris, France

The MESSIER orbiter: mapping the UV-optical sky to the deepest surface brightness levels.

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Dr. Eugene

P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

CCD and CMOS quantum efficiency evaluation in the EUV and VUV spectral ranges

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Dr. Kenneth



A High-Resolution Imaging Interferometer at the Lunar South Pole: Stellar Imager – Lunar Pole (SI-LP)

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Mr. Chase

Million Concepts, USA

A catalog of 2-minute GALEX photometry for intra-visit science

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Dr. Bethan


Space Telescope Science Institute, USA

CLASSY: The COS Legacy Archive Spectroscopic SurveY

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Dr. Mikhail

Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences (INASAN), Russia

Spectrum-UV/WSO-UV status 2020 

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Dr. Aki

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA

The LUVOIR Mission Concept: Telling the Story of Life in the Universe

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Mr. Jean-Claude

Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, France

Astrophysics with POLLUX, a high-resolution spectropolarimeter on LUVOIR

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Prof. Ana I.
Gomez de Castro

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

The European Ultraviolet-Visible Observatory

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Dr. Sara

NASA/Goddard emerita; Univ. of Maryland Adjunct Professor, USA

Cosmic Evolution Through UV Surveys

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Dr. Alan

Honeywell International, USA

Update on the CASTOR Mission: Design

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Prof. Martin

University of Leicester, UK

Planning for a future large UVOIR telescope

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Prof. Jeffrey


JILA/University of Colorado, USA

Bridging the Gap: High-Resolution UV Spectroscopy in the 2020s and 2030s

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NameInstitutionContribution TitleAuthors
Bianchi, LucianaThe Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Physics and AstronomyProbing Young Stellar Populations in Local Group Galaxies with Astrosat/UVIT: M33, SMC and the Magellanic Bridge.

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Bianchi, L.(1), Thilker, D.(1), Hutchings, J.B.(2), Postma, J.(3)
(1)The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,USA
(2)NRC's Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, Victoria,Canada
(3)Univ.of Calgary,Canada
Bianchi, LucianaThe Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Physics and AstronomyClassification of GALEX UV sources from cross-matched GUVcat X SDSS and Gaia databases.

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Luciana Bianchi (1)
Bernard Shiao (2)
(1) The Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
(2) Space Telescope Science Institute
Gómez de Castro, Ana I.Universidad Complutense de MadridEarthASAP: A lunar exploration/Earth observation mission.

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Ana I. Gómez de Castro, Leire Beitia-Antero, Carlos E. Miravet-Fuster, L.
Tarabini3, Albert Tomás, Juan Carlos Vallejo, Ada Canet, Mikhail Sachkov,
Shingo Kameda
Gonzalez-Caniulef, Denis
The University of British ColumbiaMeasuring a neutron star radius from ultraviolet and X-ray observations.

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Denis Gonzalez-Caniulef, Sebastien Guillot, Andreas Reisenegger
Kameda, Shingo
Rikkyo UniversityWSO-UV/UVSPEX for characterization of Earth-like exoplanets.

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Shingo Kameda (Rikkyo University), A. Tavrov , T. Muraoka,
G. Murakami, K. Enya, M. Ikoma, N. Narita, T. Kodama, Y. Kawashima, M. Kuwabara, N. Terada, H. Fujiwara, O. Korablev, M. Sachkov,
Leahy, Denis
University of CalgaryUVIT/PHAT photometry of stars and clusters in M31.

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Megan Buick, Denis Leahy, Joe Postma, Cole Morgan, Luciana Bianchi, John Hutchings
Leahy, DenisUniversity of CalgaryAstroSat/UVIT measurements of the bulge of M31.

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Cole Morgan, Denis Leahy, Joe Postma, Megan Buick, Luciana Bianchi, John Hutchings
Loyd, R. O. ParkeArizona State UniversityProbing M Dwarf Flares with Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopy.

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R. O. Parke Loyd, Evgenya Shkolnik, Meredith MacGregor, Kevin France, Alycia Weinberger, Ward Howard, Tom Barclay, Andrew Zic, Adam Schneider, Travis Barman, Victoria Meadows, Isabella Pagano, Sarah Peacock,
Allison Youngblood, Brian Wood.
Murthy, Jayant Indian Institute of AstrophysicsSING: A Long-Slit Spectrograph on the CSS

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Jayant Murthy
Neiner, CoralineLESIA, Paris Observatory
CASSTOR: a nanosat for UV spectropolarimetry

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C. Neiner, A. Saada, J-M Reess, J.-C. Bouret, M. Le Gal, V. Lapeyrere
Pazder, John
Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics, National Research Council of CanadaProgress on the Optical Design of a 1m Spectroscopic and Imaging UV space telescope for the CASTOR/INSIST mission.

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J. Pazder, Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada
S. Sriram, Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Reisenegger, AndreasUniversidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la EducaciónConstraining neutron star interior physics through ultraviolet observations.

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Andreas Reisenegger, Luis Rodríguez, Denis González-Caniulef, George Pavlov, Sébastien Guillot, Oleg Kargaltsev, Blagoy Rangelov
Scowen, PaulArizona State UniversityThe PolStar EXPLORER Mission – Science Drivers and Scope.

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Paul Scowen (ASU), Richard Ignace (East Tenn. State U.), B-G Andersson (SOFIA-USRA), Andrei Berdyugin (U. Turku), Svetlana Berdyugina (U. Freiburg), Jon Bjorkman (U. Toledo), Alex Carciofi (U. Sao Paolo), Roberto Casini (UCAR), Jean Chiar (Diablo Valley College), Geoff Clayton (LSU), Daniel Cotton (AAT), Alex David-Uraz (GSFC), Tanausu Del-Pino-Alemain (IAC), Sylvia Ekstrom, Andrew Fullard (Michigan State U.), Kenneith Gayle ( U. Iowa), Perry Gerakines (GSFC), Edward Guinan (Villanova U.), Wolf-Rainer Hamann (U. Potsdam), Thiem Hoang (KASSI, Korea), Jennifer Hoffman (U. Denver), Ian Howarth (UCL), Tony Hull (U. New Mexico), Jonathan Labadie-Bartz, Maurice Leutenegger (GSFC), Emily Levesque (U. Wisconsin), Antonio Magalhaes (U. Sao Paolo), Rafael Manso-Sainz (MPS, Germany), Yael Naze (U.Liege), Coralie Neiner (Obs. Paris), Lida Oskinova (U. Potsdam), Gina Panopoulou (Caltech), Véronique Petit (U. Delaware), Raman Prinja (UCL), Noel Richardson (Embry Riddle), Thomas Rivinius, Matt Shultz (U. Delaware), Nicole St-Louis (U. Montreal), Phil Stahl (MSFC), Heloise Stevance (U. Auckland), Javier Trujillo-Bueno (IAC), Asif Ud-Doula (Penn State U.), Gregg Wade (Q ueens U.), Bob Woodruff
Shugarov, AndreyInstitute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences (INASAN)WSO-UV mission UV CCD detectors qualification campaign main results.

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Andrey Shugarov 1, Mikhail Sachkov 1, Segrey Kuzin 2, Eugene Vishnyakov 2, Alexey Kirichenko 2, Andrei Pertsov 2, Denis Ivlyushkin 3, Pavel Zavertkin 3, Anton Nikolenko 3
Thilker, David
Johns Hopkins University
A First-look Astrosat/UVIT FUV Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC)

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Thilker, D. (1), Bianchi, L. (1), Hutchings, J.B. (2), Postma, J. (3)
(1) The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
(2) NRC's Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, Victoria, Canada
(3) University of Calgary, Canada
Vavilova, Iryna
Main Astronomical Observatory of the NAS of UkraineIsolated galaxies with AGNs as the UV-faintest objects of the Local Universe.

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Vavilova I.B., Vasylenko A.A., Kompaniets O.V., Izvekova I.


Agís González, BeatrizUniversité de LiègeBelgium
Aickara Gopinathan, SreejithSpace Research Institute, Austrian Academy of SciencesAustria
Akshaya, M S
CHRIST University IndiaIndia
Amôres, Eduardo
Universidade Estadual de Feira de SantanaBrazil
Anders, FriedrichUniversity of BarcelonaSpain
Anguiano, Borja
University of Virginia, USA.USA
Ardila, David
Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUSA
Arulanantham, Nicole
Space Telescope Science InstituteUSA
Ashley, Trisha
Space Telescope Science InstituteUSA
Ayres, Thomas University of Colorado (CASA)USA
Bacciotti, Francesca INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di ArcetriItaly
Barbieri, Mauro Universidad de AtacamaChile
Barbuy, BeatrizUniversidade de Sao PauloBrazil
Barstow, MartinUniversity of LeicesterUK
Barway, Sudhanshu Indian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Beck, Mathias
University of GenevaSwitzerland
Beitia Antero, LeireUniversidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Bernabeu, Guillermo University of AlicanteSpain
Bettoni, Daniela
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di PadovaItaly
Bhattacharya, Ananyo
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology SuratIndia
Bianchi, Luciana
The Johns Hopkins University, Dept of Physics and AstronomyUSA
Bisikalo, Dmitry Institute of astronomy of the Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
Blay, Pere
Valencian International UniversitySpain
Bomans, Dominik Astronomical Institute of the Ruhr University BochumGermany
Bonfond, Bertrand
Université de LiègeBelgium
Boro Saikia, Sudeshna
University of ViennaAustria
Bouret, Jean-ClaudeLaboratoire d'Astrophysique de MarseilleFrance
Brosch, Noah
Tel Aviv UniversityIsrael
Brown, Peter
Texas A&M UniversityUSA
Bruhweiler, Frederick
American University/Dept of Physics/Integrated Space Sciences & Technology InstituteUSA
Buick, Megan University of CalgaryCanada
Canet Varea, Ada
Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Carpenter, Kenneth
Cazzoli, SaraIAA-CSICSpain
Chakraborty, AbhijnanUniversity of CalcuttaIndia
Chandra, Bharat
Indian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Chaufray, Jean-Yves
Chavez Dagostino, Miguel
Cheung, Teddy
Naval Research LabUSA
Chiappetti, Lucio
INAF IASF Milano Italy
Chingaipe, Peter MarleyObservatoire de la Côte d'AzurFrance
Conti, Lauro
Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics TübingenGermany
Cote, Patrick
Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics Research Centre, National Research Council of CanadaCanada
Davis, Michael
Southwest Research InstituteUSA
de Avillez, Miguel
University of Évora (Portugal) & Technische Universität BerlinGermany
de Grijs, Richard
Macquarie UniversityAustralia
de la Fuente Marcos, Raúl
Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
de Martino, Domitilla
INAF - Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory NaplesItaly
Del Zanna, Giulio University of CambridgeUK
Diebold, Sebastian
Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of TübingenGermany
Dominguez, AlbertoUniversidad Complutense de MadridSpain
dos Santos, Leonardo
University of GenevaSwitzerland
Doyle, GerryArmagh Observatory & PlanetariumUK
Dupuy, AlexandreParis observatoryFrance
Ederoclite, Alessandro
Errico, Adriana
University of Southern QueenslandAustralia
Espaillat, Catherine
Boston UniversityUSA
Esteban Casero, José Luis Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Evans, Chris
Fábrega, Lourdes
Fischer, Will
Space Telescope Science InstituteUSA
Fleming, Scott
Space Telescope Science Institute USA
Fonfria, Jose Pablo
Fors, OctaviInstitut de Ciencies del Cosmos (ICCUB), Universitat de BarcelonaSpain
Fossati, Luca
Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of SciencesAustria
France, KevinUniversity of Colorado USA
Galbany, Lluís
Universidad de GranadaSpain
Ganesh, Shashikiran
Physical Research LaboratoryIndia
Gautam, AayushBirendra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan UniversityNepal
Gil-Merino, RodrigoUniversidad de CantabriaSpain
Gkouvelis, Leonardos
NASA Ames Research CenterUSA
Goicoechea, Luis J.
Universidad de CantabriaSpain
Gois da Silva, Filipe
Universidade Estadual de Feira de SantanaBrazil
Göktaş, Dilem Atatürk UniverstyTurkey
Gómez de Castro, Ana Inés
Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Gómez-Muñoz, Marco A.Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoMexico
Gonzalez Delgado, Rosa Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC)Spain
The University of British ColumbiaCanada
González, Beatriz
Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Gopalakrishnan Nair, Binukumar Indian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Greathouse, Thomas Southwest Research InstituteUSA
Green, James University of Colorado BoulderUSA
Grodent, DenisUniversité de Liège, Laboratory for Planetary and Atmospheric PhysicsBelgium
Guerrero, Martin AIAA-CSICSpain
Hakeem Khan, Adil
Nation College of Engineering and Tech Guna MP India
Hamann Wolf-Rainer
Potsdam UniversityGermany
Hassani, Hamid
IPM Institute For Research In Fundamental SciencesIran
Heap, SaraU. MarylandUSA
Henrichs, Huib Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy, University of AmsterdamNetherlands
Herczeg, Gregory
KIAA, Peking UniversityChina
Hernández Pérez, AzucenaUniversidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Hernández-Pajares, Manuel
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-IonSAT)Spain
Hernandez, SveaSpace Telescope Science InstituteUSA
Hillenbrand, lynne California Institute of TechnologyUSA
Howk, J. ChristopherU. Notre DameUSA
Huang , Maohai
National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of SciencesChina
Hutchings, John
Dominion Astronomical ObservatoryCanada
Jadhav, Vikrant Indian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Jadhav, VikrantIndian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
James, Bethan
Space Telescope Science InstituteUSA
Jeffery, SimonArmagh Observatory and PlanetariumUK
Jose, JessyIndian Institute of Science Education and Research, TirupatiIndia
Joshi, Piyush
Tezpur UniversityIndia
Kameda, ShingoRikkyo UniversityJapan
Kargaltsev, Oleg
The George Washington UniversityUSA
Kartha, Sreeja
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)India
Kavanagh, Robert
Trinity College DublinIreland
Kholtygin, Alexander
Saint-Petersburg UniversityRussia
Kirsanova, Maria S. Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
Kochukhov, Oleg Uppsala UniversitySweden
Kodali, Anil KumarAkkineni Nageswara RAO CollegueIndia
Koechlin, Laurent
Institut de Recherches en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP), Université de Toulouse, CNRSFrance
Kompaniiets, OlenaMain astronomical observatory of NAS of UkraineUkraine
Krishnan, Ujjwal
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)India
Krtička, JiříMasaryk UniversityCzech Republic
Kubát, JiříAstronomical Institute OndřejovCzech Republic
Kubátová, Brankica Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of SciencesCzech Republic
Kuin, Paul Mullard Space Science Laboratory/UCLUK
Kumar, AmitIndian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Labiano, Álvaro
Centro de AstrobiologíaSpain
Leahy, Denis
University of CalgaryCanada
Lebouteiller, Vianney
AIM, CEA SaclayFrance
Lehner, NicolasUniversity of Notre DameUSA
Leitherer, Claus
Linhares Dantas, Maria Luiza
Instituto de Astronomia, Geofisica e Ciencias Atmosfericas, Universidade de Sao PauloBrazil
Linsky, Jeff
Colorado UniversityUSA
Lopez Cabarcosuni, Enrique
Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
López Viejobueno, Jennifer
Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Loyd, Robert
Arizona State UniversityUSA
Mahadeva Arabhavi, Aditya
University of St AndrewsUK
Mallia, FrancoCampo Catino ObservatoryItaly
Mathew, Joice Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre, RSAA, ANU, CanberraAustralia
Melnick, Jorge
European Southern Observatory.Chile
Merc, Jaroslav
Pavol Jozef Safarik University in KosiceSlovakia
Mignon-Risse, Raphaël APC Laboratory (Paris)France
Million, Chase
Million ConceptsUSA
Modiano, David
Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy, University of AmsterdamNetherlands
Mohan, Rekhesh
Indian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Mondal, ChayanIndian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Montañés, PilarArquimea Research CenterSpain
Montes, DavidUniversidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Morgan, Cole University of CalgaryCanada
Murthy, Jayant
Indian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Narayanan, SathyaThe Cochin College, MG University, Kerala, IndiaIndia
Neiner, Coralie
LESIA, Paris ObservatoryFrance
Nemeth,, HungaryHungary
Niemczura, Ewa
Instytut Astronomiczny, Uniwersytet WrocławskiPoland
Orio, Marina INAF-Padova, Italy and University of Wisconsin Madison, WI, USAItaly, USA
Oskinova, Lidia
Potsdam UniversityGermany
Pacheco, Thayse Universidade de São PauloBrazil
Pagano, Isabella
INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di CataniaItaly
Page, MatMullard Space Science Laboratory, University College LondonUK
Palle, Enric
Instituto de Astrofisica de CanariasSpain
Palmaerts, Benjamin
Laboratoire de Physique Atmosphérique et Planétaire, Université de LiègeBelgium
Panwar, Neelam
ARIES, Nainital, IndiaIndia
Patel, MitiUniversity of LeicesterUK
Pauli, DanielUniversität PotsdamGermany
Pazder, John
Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics, National Research Council of CanadaCanada
Pérez de Pablos, Sonia
Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Perez, Mario
NASA HeadquartersUSA
Perez-Torres. MiguelIAA-CSICSpain
Pigulski, Andrzej
Astronomical Institute, University of WroclawPoland
Prada Cazalla, Iván
Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Prajapati, PrachiPhysical Research LaboratoryIndia
Prajapati, PrachiPhysical Research LaboratoryIndia
Pratap Singh, MadhurUniversity of DelhiIndia
Priyadarshi, AkshayNISER, BhubaneswarIndia
Provencal, Judith
University of DelawareUSA
Rai, Richa Indian Institute of astrophysics India
Ramachandran, VarshaUniversität PotsdamGermany
Ramos Lazaro, Jenny Margot
National University of San Marcos, LimaPeru
Rani Malta , Fernanda
Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)Brazil
Ravikumar, AnushaCHRIST (Deemed to be University) India
Reddy, B.Ravi KumarIndian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Reisenegger, Andreas
Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la EducaciónChile
Ribes Pleguezuelo, PolESA - European Space AgencyNetherlands
Richey-Yowell, Tyler
Institution: Arizona State UniversityUSA
Rickard, MatthewUCLUK
Ridden-Harper, Ryan
Space Telescope Science Institute USA
Roberge, Aki
NASA. Goddard Space Flight CenterUSA
Robidel, Rozenn LATMOSFrance
Roibás, ElenaUniversidad Politécnica de MadridSpain
Roman-Duval, Julia
Space Telescope Science InstituteUSA
Rutkowski, Michael
Minnesota State University MankatoUSA
Sachkov, Mikhail
Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
Safonova, Margarita Indian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Saha, Kanak
Salama, Farid
NASA Ames Research CenterUSA
Salvador-Rusiñol, Nuria
Instituto de Astrofísica de CanariasSpain
Samal, ManashPhysical Reserach LabortaryIndia
Sánchez-Blázquez, Patricia
Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Sanchez, NestorValencian International University (VIU)Spain
Sander, AndreasArmagh Observatory and PlanetariumUK
Savanov, Igor
Institute of astronomy RASRussia
Scott, AlanHoneywell InternationalCanada
Scowen, Paul
Arizona State UniversityUSA
Sharma, Monu
Shenar, Tomer KU LeuvenBelgium
Shkolnik, EvgenyaArizona State UniversityUSA
Shugarov, AndreyInstitute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences (INASAN)Russia
Shustov, Boris
Institute of Astronomy of Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
Simmonds, Charlotte
Simon, Jose LuisCTASpain
Sing, David
Johns Hopkins UniversityUSA
Singh, Gaurav
Smiljanic, Rodolfo Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical CenterPoland
Sripadmanaban, Sriram
Indian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Storch de Gracia, Aurora
Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Stringfellow, Guy University of Colorado BoulderUSA
Subramaniam, Annapurni
Indian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Subramanian, Smitha
Indian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Suresh, AmbilyUniversity of Colorado, BoulderUSA
Sutaria, Firoza Indian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Szkody, Paula University of WashingtonUSA
Teixeira, Paula Stella
University of St AndrewsUK
Teng, Lucia
Institute of Astronomy, University of ViennaAustria
Thilker, DavidJohns Hopkins UniversityUSA
Thomas, Robin
CHRIST University India
Todt, Helge Potsdam UniversityGermany
Tucker, Brad
Mt Stromlo Observatory, the Australian National UniversityAustralia
Ud-Doula, Asif
Penn State Scranton, Pensilvania UniversityUSA
Ustamujic, Sabina
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di PalermoItaly
Vahdat Motlagh, Armin
University of TuebingenGermany
Vallejo, Juan Carlos
Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Valls-Gabaud, DavidObservatoire de ParisFrance
Valsan, Vineeth
CHRIST, Deemed to be UniversityIndia
Vasylenko, AnatoliiMain Astronomical Observatory of the NAS of UkraineUkraine
Vavilova, Iryna
Main Astronomical Observatory of the NAS of UkraineUkraine
Verdugo, Eva
Verhamme, Anne
University of GenevaSwitzerland
Vidotto, Aline
Trinity College DublinIreland
Villarreal D'Angelo, Carolina
Observatorio Astronómico de CórdobaArgentina
Villaver, Eva
Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC/INTA)Spain
Vishnyakov, Eugene
P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
Vivek, MIndian Institute of Astrophysics, BangaloreIndia
Wahlgren, Glenn STScIUSA
Werle, Ariel
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di PadovaItaly
Werner, Klaus
Universität TübingenGermany
Wijnands, Rudy
University of AmsterdamNetherlands
Witt, EmilyUniversity of Colorado, BoulderUSA
Xu, ZiyanKavli Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics - Peking UniversityChina
Yadav, JyotiIndian Institute of AstrophysicsIndia
Yan, HuirongUniversity of PotsdamGermany
Yánez Gestoso, Javier
Universidad Complutense de MadridSpain
Youngblood, Allison
University of ColoradoUSA
Zanella, Anita INAFItaly
Zanoni, Carlo ESOGermany